26 June 2008

Cardboard Testimonies

Moving and powerful. I know in my own Lutheran Christian tribe we need to reclaim the reality of transformation...not just in the kingdom to come, but in this life...that the Spirit of the death and resurrection of Jesus the Messiah is moving HERE and NOW...transforming, recreating, renewing, restoring, redeeming, rebuilding, and rescinding our sin.

I think my cardboard testimony reads:

My Life: God's Life

I hope that today, as you see and absorb this, you connect to the power of God at work in you...and that the transformation of the living God isn't far away.

Blessings from the heart of Christ, and the land of Sun and palms!



paul m. said...

awesome and overwhelming.

thank you for sharing.

stubborn/unlovable::relaxed/loved by God.

paul m. said...

just thought of this cardboard testimonial connection to jesus' life as well...

he had a cardboard statement nailed above him on the cross, not of his own choosing, but ironically, perfect for his life. "Jesus, the Nazarene, King of the Jews."

On the flip side, I wonder if it read..."King of Everything".

lotusreaching said...

Thanks for your interaction with this Paul. I'm very touched by the transformation evident in these testimonies, and equally amazed at how diverse the interpretation of the testimonies were.

My favorite was the woman who was diagnosed with MS. Her neurologist comes to faith in Christ and is baptized, and her response, "worth it!"

I break down every time I see that. When we are at our weakest, he is at his strongest. And through our cracks and fissures the healing light of Christ shines so brightly.

Love you bro. Peace to you and Susan.
