30 November 2007

Unified Theory (House Mix) by The Cobalt Season Fan Flick

It's been a long time since I've done a post. Life, congregation, family and my doctorate are taking up much of my time. Actually, all is as it should be.

But I want to gift you all with this reflective music. I discovered "Cobalt Season" through and Emergent Podcast and was hooked. A secular-folk-alternative band that speaks to issues of faith, social justice and the rat race of our consumeristic lives, you won't find them on the shelves at Barnes and Noble or Borders. You CAN now download them from iTunes which is however.

"Unified Theory" - this is a house mix, so a bit modified from the original. But as you'll hear, life's hard to get at in all the bustle. As the consumer dominated season of Christmas comes upon us, and the bling-bling of cheap chinese imports spills onto the floors of malls and vendors everywhere, it can be hard to get at what draws us to ground, to center, to that which brings together the disparate threads of our lives.

Physicists have been looking for the GUT now for over a century...the Grand Unified Theory that ties up the equations of gravity (macro) and quantum physics (micro) together into an elegant whole.

But the GUT isn't a formula or a proposition. It's a LOVE given to us in a relationship/person...a man named Jesus.

My prayer for you this Advent/Christmas season is that your life might find wholeness and unity in him.

From these cold plains, blessings!



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